Chin Augmentation
Am I a good candidate for a Chin Augmentation?
Some of the indications that you may be a good candidate Chin Augmentation are:
· Weak chin
· Imbalance of the facial profile
· Narrow chin that is out of proportion with other facial features
The ideal chin projection is a chin that touches a line dropped perpendicular from the edge of the lower lip; anything less than this is considered a “weak chin”. This can be corrected by a chin augmentation procedure, improving the balance of the facial profile. For younger patients, chin augmentations are commonly performed in conjunction with a Rhinoplasty procedure (nose job). For adult patients, chin augmentations are commonly performed in conjunction with a Face Lift. When appropriate to achieve the ideal results of a Face Lift, Dr. Dedo or Dr. Lipan will perform a chin augmentation at no additional cost. A chin augmentation can enhance a Face Lift procedure in two ways, (1) the increased projection of the chin gives the neck a longer thinner appearance and (2) by increasing and building up the foundation of the chin, the overall tension of the skin is increased, producing a better result.
It all starts with an effective evaluation and consultation!
In evaluating you for chin augmentation, Dr. Dedo or Dr. Lipan will conduct a routine and painless examination of your facial bone structure, underlying skin structure, skin thickness, texture, and elasticity. Combing this information with the desired results you share with the doctor a personalized treatment plan will be developed just for you. Your doctor will explain the technique that he feels is best for you and will produce the results you desire at the lowest risk.
As part of the consultation process your doctor may choose to utilize a state of the art Computer Imaging system to simulate your anticipated results and to ensure clear expectations are established upfront. Combined with providing you with ample time to discuss your thoughts, concerns and aesthetic goals, your doctor will develop and share with you a recommended treatment plan personalized specifically for you. Our entire expert staff provides caring attention and genuine concern for your well-being. We are committed to helping you make the best decisions possible.
Call us today to schedule your free consultation (866) 307-1032.