Facelift Surgery
A Rose by any other name is still a Rose…
Is a Face Lift really a Face Lift?
This is a strange question; but an important question, none the less. The term Face Lift is a bit misleading, as shown in the diagram, a Face Lift actually addresses the area of the face from the corner of the mouth, over the chin and jaw line, down to the base of the neck. This surgical procedure may also be referred to as a Lower Face Lift, Neck Lift or Jowl Face Lift. When discussing any of these procedures with a cosmetic surgeon, it is important that you have a clear understanding of the facial features your procedure will specifically address and what the procedure will not address.
Making the Face Lift procedure even more confusing, a flurry of marketing programs have surfaced under inviting names such as “The Miracle Lift”, “Lifestyle Lift”, “Mini Lift” and the best “The Lunchtime Facelift”. These procedures claim to make you look years younger in hours not days. The problem is these are marketing programs that make big promises that rarely deliver results that last for years and regularly fail to meet the patients’ expectations. As you already know, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true! When considering any Face Lift procedure, be sure to learn about all available procedures from a traditional Face Lift to less invasive procedures like the Mini Lift, understanding the advantages, disadvantages and limitation of each; then make an informed decision.
Am I a good candidate for a Face Lift?
Some of the indications that you may be a good candidate for a Face Lift are:
· you feel your facial features do not reflect your youthful spirit and energy level
· the natural jaw line has disappeared due to
· sagging skin along the chin line
· the skin under the chin is loose and hanging
· puffiness along the chin line
The excess skin at the neck is caused by a combination of aging factors, the shrinking of the bone structure of the face that support the skin, muscle deterioration and the accumulation of fat within the neck tissue resulting in the loss of the natural jaw line of your youth.
A Face Lift is performed by sculpting the neck by removing fat (typically with Liposuction), tightening the platysma muscle (the muscle running from the jaw to the clavicle) and the removal of excess skin. Drs. Dedo and Lipan utilize surgical techniques that produce a long lasting natural jaw line that will stand the test of time.
How is a Face Lift performed?
In most cases, an incision begins in front of the ear and wraps around behind the ear ending in the lower scalp. The exact location of the incision will be determined based on your features and the results you desire. When fully healed a Face Lift incision is nearly invisible. Through this incision, the surgeon can remove fat by Liposuction, modify the muscle tissue as needed to achieve the desired results and remove excess skin.
Unique to the Gardens Cosmetic Center, the doctors have developed a pre- and post-surgical program that includes nutritional supplements and medical laser treatments. This program involves nutritional supplements for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery. The vitamins prescribed promote healing, reduce bruising, improves scarring and reduces pain. Following the surgical procedure 5 treatments with medical laser are performed to promote healing through stimulation of the many layers of skin. The combination of these therapies reduces the typical recovery period to approximately 6 days.
In addition to the vitamins and the low level laser light that promotes healing, Dr. Dedo uses platelet gel in all Face Lift procedures. Platelet Gel is “glue” made from the patient’s own blood. The Platelet Gel concentrates the healing growth factors that naturally occur in platelet cells which work to cut the healing time in half. Dr. Dedo was the first surgeon in Florida to utilize Platelet Gel in facelift surgical procedures; today every facelift procedure he performs includes the use of Platelet Gel. Platelet Gel has proven to reduce post procedure bruising and swelling. With reduced swelling and bruising, pain is reduced and the healing process is accelerated. The benefits the patient will recognize very quickly from Dr. Dedo’s use of Platelet Gel, nutritional supplements and medical lasers are (1) no “drains” are required to absorb discharge from the surgical site, (2) the dressings can typically be removed within 24 hours and (3) the patient can take a ‘gentle’ shower when the dressings have been removed the day after surgery.
It all starts with an effective evaluation and consultation!
In evaluating you for a Face Lift procedure, Dr. Dedo or Dr. Lipan will conduct a routine and painless examination of your facial bone structure, underlying skin structure, muscle structure, skin thickness, texture, and elasticity. Combing this information with the desired results you share with the doctor a personalized treatment plan will be developed just for you. Your doctor will explain the technique that he feels is best for you and that will product the results you desire at the lowest risk.
As part of the consultation process your doctor may choose to utilize a state of the art Computer Imaging system to simulate your anticipated results and to ensure clear expectations are established upfront. Combined with providing you with ample time to discuss your thoughts, concerns and aesthetic goals, your doctor will develop and share with you a recommended treatment plan personalized specifically for you. Our entire expert staff provides caring attention and genuine concern for your well-being. We are committed to helping you make the best decisions possible. Call us today to schedule your free consultation (866) 307-1032